Property Appraisals

Appraisals can be in respect of movable or immovable property and are normally required by Executors/Administrators of Estates, for Estate Duty purposes. Theses services need to be performed by a Government Appointed Appraiser, whose appointment, is in terms of the Administration of Estates act of 1965.

Our approach to all valuations is professional and relies on our vast experience.

Appraisals can be in respect of movable or immovable property and are normally required by Executors/Administrators of Estates, for Estate Duty purposes. Theses services. need to be performed by a Government Appointed Appraiser, whose appointment, is in terms of the Administration of Estates act of 1965.

Both Dave Summerton and Ivan Edelson hold the above appointments.


Our extensive auctioneering and background experience enables us to provide appraisal services in respect of the following types of movables for Estate Duty purposes.

  • Household Furniture;
  • Plant and Machinery;
  • Motor Vehicles;
  • Specialised items.
In addition, we are suitably qualified to attend to the appraisal of the following classifications of immovable property:

  • Residential property;
  • Sectional title units;
  • Townhouses;
  • Smallholdings;


Movables need to be inspected and a comprehensive list made of the various items, thereafter the value is determined, based on the condition of the items and the current supply and demand for same in the open market.

Immovable property requires the completion of a detailed valuation report or a Revenue Form 246, the prescribed form as required by the South African Revenue Services for immovable properties, where there are minors involved in the estate.

  • Identify the property;
  • Gather information including obtaining copies of Title Deeds, Town Planning information, Plans, Leases et cetera;
  • The physical inspection and the verification of extent of the improvements;
  • Applying a suitable method of valuation to the property
  • The research of comparable properties and market information pertaining to the subject property;
  • Analysis, completion and delivery of report to the instructing party.